Printing returned object in embedded app

Michael P. Reilly arcege at
Fri Jul 9 21:40:18 EDT 1999

Conrad Steenberg <conrad at> wrote:
: I'm trying to construct an interactive front-end for Python, using GTK.

: My C program passes strings to PyRun_String, and obtains the returned object.
: Now in the normal interactive Python on a terminal, a command like
: 1+1
: would print out the value, but using my method it does not. Using
: print(1+1) works like a charm. However, when I try to have the returned object
: printed using eg. 
: PyObject_CallMethod(object,"print","") 
: I get an error, "AttributeError: print". Can anybody tell me what I'm doing
: wrong? Or how to get the result printed automatically like in interactive
: Python?

  PyObject_Print(object, stdout, Py_PRINT_RAW);

The first argument is the object to be printed, the second is the FILE
* to print to and the last is a flag (the only flag for now is
Py_PRINT_RAW).  It only outputs the object, no leading or trailing

Also, you could run "print object" from PyRun_SimpleString.


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