How to set text color using pyKDE 0.8?

Henning Schroeder hschroeder at
Fri Jul 30 05:58:49 EDT 1999

Peter Torstenson <p.t at> wrote:
> I'm using pyKDE 0.8 binding for python.
> I made a QLabel on the main widget. Now I'd like to change the color of the
> text inside this QLabel.
> I managed to change the backgroundcolor and the font. But I can't find any
> info on how to change the color of the text, or the foregroundcolor.
This is a little bit tricky. Every widget has a palette() function which
returns a QPalette. This palette consists of three color-groups which can
be accessed through normal(), disabled() and disabled() and can be changed
trought its corresponding set-functions (setNormal(), ...). According to
the state of the widget one of these color-groups is shown. You can
find more about setting up color-groups in the QT docs (e.g qcolorgroup.html).

Hope that helps


from kde import *

import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
label = QLabel("Hello world!")

pal = label.palette()
pal.setNormal(QColorGroup(red, green, blue, black, gray, yellow, white))

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