Socket programming.

Christopher Petrilli Christopher.Petrilli at
Thu Jul 1 23:01:37 EDT 1999

From: Christopher Petrilli <petrilli at>

Kjetil =D8degaard <kjetilod at> wrote:
> My current implementation is threaded (using fork()); one thread for
> user interaction and one for server output.  It uses blocking
> sockets.  It works ok, but I've read some docs here and there (amongst
> them the Socket Programming HOWTO on and I get the
> feeling I should be using select() and non-blocking sockets.  Also,
> I'm not sure I want to use fork() -- it seems very low-level and
> depends on a Unix-like system.

First, fork() isn't really threading... if you want to do threading, then
you should use the threading module, if it' ssupported on your platform.

Second, for that kind of thign, take a look at asyncore and asynchat,
the first of which I've written documentation for that will be released
in the next itteration of the Python library reference.  asynchat
should be able to do what you want.

| Christopher Petrilli                      ``Television is bubble-gum for
| petrilli at                          the mind.''-Frank Lloyd Wrig=

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