++Python - Emacs functions to expand shorthand

Preston Landers mithy at my-deja.com
Tue Jul 6 17:20:23 EDT 1999

 Hello Everyone,

I'm pleased to release a small set of Emacs functions I wrote to
assist lazy Pythoneers like myself.

It hooks into the standard python-mode and gives you two new commands;

py-shorthand-line-expand   -- bound to C-z -- works only on the
current line.

py-shorthand-buffer-expand -- bound to C-c C-z -- works on the whole

These keys expand shorthand expressions.  A couple of examples:

foo += bar  --->  foo = foo + bar
++foo.bar   --->  foo.bar = foo.bar + 1

I know what you're thinking, and yes, I do have entirely too much free
time on my hands.  I also think that maybe Python 2 should incorporate
this syntactic sugar, but until such time, I give you these Emacs
macros to ease your carpal tunnel syndrome. [1]

I've tested them with FSF Emacs 20.3.2 and Xemacs 20.4.  Nothing has
exploded yet.

I do realize that C-z is normally bound to suspend-or-iconify, but I
personally never use that and C-z just seemed convenient.  *Feel free*
to change the key bindings at the end of the lisp file that follows.

The "homepage" for this absurdity will soon be somewhere on
http://askpreston.com/projects/ though there's nothing there at the

Comments, criticisms, job offers, flames, and live nude girls to:

---Preston Landers <preston at askpreston.com>

[1] Naturally, Emacs itself is known to be a major factor in this
tragic affliction.  Press Control-Meta-Hyper-Shift-H to learn more.

py-shorthand.el follows.  Installation instructions contained therein.


;; py-shorthand.el  ---   version 1.0 -- July 5th, 1999
;; Some functions to expand certain shorthand expressions into legal
;; Python for the terminally lazy.
;;   For instance, 'foo += bar' is expanded to 'foo = foo + bar'
;; Copyleft (C) 1999 Preston Landers <preston at askpreston.com>
;; Distributed under the GNU General Public License
;; By default, expanding the current line is bound to C-z (which is
;; normally reserved for iconify / suspend, which I never use.)  Feel
;; free to change it (it's at the bottom of this file.)  Expanding
;; shorthand in the entire buffer is bound to C-c C-z which isn't
;; otherwise bound to anything in my Xemacs 20.4.
;; To install, just make sure this file is in your lisp load path
;; somewhere, and put the following in your .emacs file:
;; (load "py-shorthand")
;; If you don't know what a lisp load path is, make a directory in your
;; home directory called lisp and copy this file to that directory, then
;; put this in your .emacs file instead:
;; (setq load-path (append load-path (list "~/lisp")))
;; (load "py-shorthand")
;; Known bugs: 'foo .= bar' is expanded to 'foo = foo . bar' but should
;; be 'foo = foo + bar'.  Suggestions?
;; An exact list of the types of shorthand expressions recognized
;; follows (with identifying regular expressions.)
;; foo.bar +=
;; \\(\\s-*\\)\\([A-Za-z_0-9\\.\\-]+\\)\\(\\s-*\\)\\([-\\+\\.\\*\\\]\\)=
;; ...becomes...
;; foo.bar = foo.bar +
;; \\1\\2\\3=\\3\\2 \\4

;; ++foo.bar (or --foo.bar)
;; \\(\\s-*\\)\\(\\+\\|-\\)\\2\\([A-Za-z_\\-0-9\\.]+\\)
;; ...becomes...
;; foo.bar = foo.bar + 1
;; \\1\\3 = \\3 \\2 1

;; foo.bar++ (or foo.bar--)
;; \\(\\s-*\\)\\([A-Za-z_\\-0-9\\.]+\\)\\(\\+\\|-\\)\\3
;; ...becomes...
;; foo.bar = foo.bar + 1
;; \\1\\2 = \\2 \\3 1

(defvar py-shorthand-statement-regexp
  "Regexp for recognizing foo += bar (or -= *= \=).")

(defvar py-shorthand-statement-replace
  "\\1\\2\\3=\\3\\2 \\4"
  "Replacement string for foo += bar; becomes foo = foo + bar.")

(defvar py-shorthand-precrement-regexp
  "Regexp for recognizing --foo or ++foo.")

(defvar py-shorthand-precrement-replace
  "\\1\\3 = \\3 \\2 1"
  "Replacement string for ++foo; becomes foo = foo + 1.")

(defvar py-shorthand-postcrement-regexp
  "Regexp for recognizing foo++ or foo--.")

(defvar py-shorthand-postcrement-replace
  "\\1\\2 = \\2 \\3 1"
  "Replacement string for foo++; becomes foo = foo + 1.")

(defun py-shorthand-current-end-point ()
  "Internal function to find current end of line."

(defun py-shorthand-line-expand ()
  "Expands shorthand notation such as += on the current line into valid
    (let ((end-pos (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
      (while (re-search-forward py-shorthand-statement-regexp
(py-shorthand-current-end-point) t 1)
        (replace-match py-shorthand-statement-replace)
      (while (re-search-forward py-shorthand-precrement-regexp
(py-shorthand-current-end-point) t 1)
        (replace-match py-shorthand-precrement-replace)
      (while (re-search-forward py-shorthand-postcrement-regexp
(py-shorthand-current-end-point) t 1)
        (replace-match py-shorthand-postcrement-replace)

(defun py-shorthand-buffer-expand ()
  "Expands shorthand notation such as += in the entire buffer into valid
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward py-shorthand-statement-regexp nil t)
      (replace-match py-shorthand-statement-replace))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward py-shorthand-precrement-regexp nil t)
      (replace-match py-shorthand-precrement-replace))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward py-shorthand-postcrement-regexp nil t)
      (replace-match py-shorthand-postcrement-replace))))

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
	  (lambda ()
	     (define-key py-mode-map "\C-z" 'py-shorthand-line-expand)
	     (define-key py-mode-map "\C-c\C-z" 'py-shorthand-buffer-expand)

||  Preston Landers <preston at askpreston.com>  ||
||           http://askpreston.com            ||

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