Harlequin Is Back!

David Hanley fsnm at nmia.o_r_g
Thu Jul 15 17:51:20 EDT 1999

Cameron Laird wrote:

Lars is right (as usual).  Actually, compared to *any-

> thing*, Python seems to arrive first on the interfacing
> scene.  This is interesting; Tcl and Lua emphasize ease
> of embedding and extensibility in their design, and Perl
> has hordes of interfacing worker bees, but a consistent
> pattern emerges that Python does at least as well as any
> other language in achieving connection to the latest
> toolkits-protocols-...  It's an interesting story, even
> though I don't yet understand it.

Hmmm, maybe the right approach is to get lisp to talk
to python, then, eh?


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