Name of function within the function?

Andrew Csillag andrew at
Thu Jul 1 14:31:27 EDT 1999

"Dula, Debbie (EXCHANGE:RICH2:2C25)" wrote:
> I've looked and looked, but can't find the answer to this ... I'm
> sure it's right in front of me ...
> I want the current function's name to be output in my error
> messages, but can't figure out how a function can get its own name
> (without already knowing it).  For example,
>         def f1():
>                 print "Error in function", f1.__name__
> is not really useful for what I need as I might as well print "Error
> in function f1".  Is there any generic way I can get the current
> function's name?
> Thanks,
> Debbie

How's about this:
import sys
def y():
    print callerFunc()
def y2():
    print callerFunc()

def callerFunc():
        raise "arg"
    except "arg":
    return func


Should print:

Drew Csillag
  Writing perl programs is like pounding stakes into your feet:
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