Non-ODBC MS Sql Connect

Jeff Bauer jbauer at
Thu Jul 22 22:05:46 EDT 1999


1. Grab from /pub/crew/jbauer
via anon ftp at

2. Put libmySQL.dll somewhere in your PATH, and put MySQL.pyd
somewhere Python will find it -- e.g. the same directory
python.exe is possible.

3. It works okay with 1.5.1 or higher.  For more info
about the MySQL library, download the source from the
Contrib area at

>>> import MySQL
>>> DBH = MySQL.connect('myhost','mydatabase','mypassword')
>>> DBH.listdbs()

[['mydb1'], ['mysql'], ['test']]

Best regards,

Jeff Bauer
Rubicon, Inc.

>> How to do I make a non-odbc connection to a MS SQL Server?
>> Am running Python Windows NT/IIS.

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