importing a Win32 DLL module w/resources

James C. Ahlstrom jim at
Mon Jul 19 11:32:55 EDT 1999

Andy Beall wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to extend Pythonwin from MSVC with a DLL module that I
> can import, and everything is working except with I try and access some
> resources, such as a dialog box that I made.  It seems that when the DLL
> is built in MSVC, it doesn't bundle the .rc or .res file into the DLL.
> Anybody know a way to force the linker to bind this or how to let
> Pythonwin know where these resources are?

First make sure the resources are in the DLL.  The file myapp.rc
should be in the list of files, and there should be a tab for
"Resource View" in MSVC next to the file view.

I don't think DLL resource are searched by default (???).  To
use DLL resources instead of Main resources, you call
FindResource() followed by AfxSetResourceHandle() in MFC.

Jim Ahlstrom

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