Python Bug:os.spawnvc

Anthony Pfrunder s341625 at
Sun Jul 18 19:33:28 EDT 1999


I think I have found a bug in python but it could be a Windows bug.  With
os.spawnvc in this form:

	error_code = os.spawnvc(P_WAIT, proggie, args, environment)

	proggie is a program to run with args in the environment.

If args is a list (as it must be) then spawnvc chops off the first
element of the list.  You can see this by running:

	ec = os.spawnvc(P_WAIT, 'test.bat', ['a', 'b', 'c'], [])

	@echo %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

Which results in:

	C>test.bat b c

instead of

	C>test.bat a b c

Could someone confirm that this is a bug or that I have stuffed up?


Anthony Pfrunder

PS Please cc to my email address thx.

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