Python GUIs: Abandoning TkInter and welcoming wxPython?

Fernando Mato Mira Fernando.Mato.Mira at
Thu Jul 1 14:20:24 EDT 1999

From: Fernando Mato Mira <matomira at>

Paul Prescod wrote:

> I find it fascinating that there are so many GUI toolkits. The GUI is more
> than twenty years right and we haven't agreed on the basic programming
> model or API yet??

Most [OO] GUI toolkits are yet more of the same primitive stuff. From the
glimpse I got from Qt I think it
goes in the right direction, but I got an idea it's just reinventing stuff in
a way which has already been superseded (something like GARNET's formulas).
The better one is to use multi-way constraints. There're toolkits based on
that (for Eiffel (unreleased) and Smalltalk). What still needs to be thought
is how to merge that with the CLIM presentation model.

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