How to obtain an instance's name at runtime?
Michael P. Reilly
arcege at
Wed Jun 23 13:06:28 EDT 1999
Dinu C. Gherman <gherman at> wrote:
: This is a nasty question, perhaps, so I appologize in
: advance if its stupidity level is far above the accepted
: average in this newsgroup...
: I would like to do the following:
:>>> class C:
: ... pass
: ...
:>>> c = C()
:>>> C.__class__.__name__ # ok
: 'C'
:>>> c.__name__ # not ok
: Traceback (innermost last):
: File "<interactive input>", line 0, in ?
: AttributeError: __name__
: Question: How to obtain an instance's name at runtime?
: That is I'd like to see this happen (one was or the other):
:>>> c.__name__
: 'c'
: I've checked the reference manual, but it's silent about
: this topic or I'm too blind...
: Fearing-there's-no-such-solution'ly,
: Dinu
There is not reliable solution because instances are not named except as
part of a possible class behavior (__init__ setting self.__name__).
(It is the behavior of classes themselves to have names.)
But you can at least find some of the names bound to this object (within
the current scope, or beyond).
def whatname(obj):
import sys
raise SystemError
tb = sys.exc_info()[-1]
f = tb.tb_next.tb_frame
locals = f.f_locals
globals = f.f_globals
del tb, f
for key, item in locals.items() + globals.items():
if item is obj:
raise NameError, 'object not found' # kind of a reverse namelookup ;)
return key
This is inaccurate because the object could be passed down from another
module, thru numerous function calls. And the same could be done for
>>> class C:
... pass
>>> A = C
>>> c = A()
>>> c.__class__.__name__
To make the behavior, then set the "__name__" attribute in the
class C:
def __init__(self, name='c'):
self.__name__ = name
b = C('b')
It may not be what you want, but then Python doesn't quite work like
you might suspect. :)
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