Question about envvars
Stephen J. Turner
sjturner at
Tue Jun 8 09:17:16 EDT 1999
Rob <rceci at> wrote:
> If I specify a -S, can I compensate by specifically saying at the
> appropriate time, "import site" ?
Yes you can. In fact, older versions of Python required this; the
implicit "import site" on interpreter startup was added as of 1.5a4.
For full information on the site module, refer to the documentation at:
However, if you plan to go with this approach, consider that you
probably won't want to install your MDIreg extension module in the
$exec_prefix/lib/python1.5/site-packages directory (the usual place to
install site-wide extensions), since that directory is added to sys.path
by the site module. You'll more likely have to put it in a custom
directory and make sure that directory in named in the PYTHONPATH
environment variable.
Even so, I'd be concerned about the fragility introduced into your
MDIreg module by this approach -- namely, that the
FileRegistry.exportEnvVars method cannot be used once the os module is
imported. I'd much prefer to see you try the C++ subclassing suggested
below, so that your extension module works regardless of the module
import order.
> In article <375C3891.1D11E1A4 at>,
> "Stephen J. Turner" <sjturner at> wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>>> Boy I was excited to get a reasonable explaination so quickly, but
>>> alas, it still does not work. Here is my test script:
>>> #!/usr/local/bin/python
>>> import MDIreg
>>> reg = MDIreg.FileRegistry(1,1)
>>> reg.exportEnvVars()
>>> import os
>>> print "child has it : "
>>> os.system("env | grep MDI_REG_VERSION")
>>> print "but do I have it? :"
>>> print os.environ['MDI_REG_VERSION']
>>> ---
>>> I am interested in this "MDI_REG_VERSION" envvar which gets exported
>>> by my library. Here is the output:
>>> child has it :
>>> but do I have it? :
>>> Traceback (innermost last):
>>> File "", line 12, in ?
>>> print os.environ['MDI_REG_VERSION']
>>> File "/usr/local/lib/python1.5/", line 12, in __getitem__
>>> def __getitem__(self, key): return[key]
>> Oops! I just realized that the site module, which is imported by
>> default when the Python interpreter starts, imports the os module --
>> so by the time your script begins to execute, it's already too late.
>> Just for grins, you could try disabling the site module by adding the
>> '-S' option to the Python command line, as in:
>> #!/usr/local/bin/python -S
>> I'm not advocating this approach, since it's generally a good idea to
>> import the site module. I'd just like to know if it works for you.
>>> Any other ideas? Any way to tell the os/posix module to "refresh"?
>> None that I can see from looking in Modules/posixmodule.c. Sorry.
>>> By the way, thanks for the library implementation suggestion, but I
>>> must keep it the way it is, because other c, and c++ (at the class
>>> level) programs access this library.
>> OK, how 'bout this? Suppose you added a virtual "putenv" method to
>> your FileRegistry C++ class whose default implementation was to call
>> the global putenv function. Then in your Python C extension, you
>> could subclass FileRegistry and override the putenv method with one
>> that modifies os.environ as described in the prior post.
Stephen J. Turner <sjturner at>
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