Python 2.0

Graham Matthews graham at
Wed Jun 2 20:47:42 EDT 1999

graham at (Graham Matthews) writes:
| You seem to believe that garbage collection implies no reference counts.
| Why do you believe that? (a lot of GC schemes use reference counts).
| You also seem to believe that with GC finalisation will disappear. Why
| do you believe that (a lot of GC schemes have finalisation).
Donn Cave (donn at wrote:
: Does JPython use reference counts, and invoke delete methods as soon as
: reference count drops to 0?

I don't think reference counting garbage collection is mandated in Java 
(it used to be but I think that has changed). 

But I am not sure I see what the connection is between how JPython does 
memory management and garbage collection in Python in general. 

graham at (Graham Matthews) writes:
: | ... Finally I
: | believe you are mis-using finalisation if you use it to close up files,
: | sockets, etc. That's what close calls are for.
Donn Cave (donn at wrote:
: Well, I think there's something to be said for it.  With Python, we're
: free from the obnoxious requirement imposed by the storage model of
: languages like C, that forces the programmer to account for each scrap
: of malloc'd memory lest there be leaks.  
: ... 
: Why should I enjoy this freedom with memory resources, but welcome exactly
: the same constraints when an object has other termination requirements?

Because other kinds of objects are different to memory? Also I am not
sure why you think GC can't handle other kinds of objects as well. Maybe
Java doesn't do a good job of resource finalisation, but that doesn't
mean it can't be done.


       Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer came down on her head
    Bang, bang, Maxwell's silver hammer made sure that she was dead

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