Environment inheritance under Windows NT 4, Attempt 2
news at dorb.com
Thu Jun 24 14:09:53 EDT 1999
Works fine for me.
Use the same case for the python version.
> C:\>python -c "import os; print os.environ['WINDIR']"
Milton L. Hankins <mlh at swl.msd.ray.com> wrote in message
news:Pine.SGI.3.95q.990623204139.149495A-100000 at masox202...
> Since I've not yet gotten a response to my first post, here's an
> elaboration.
> Windows NT Workstation 4.00.1381, SP5.
> 1. Right click on My Computer, choose Properties, Environment tab. Note
> the value of the System Variable "windir" and press Cancel. (On my
> system, this is "C:\WINNT".)
> 2. Open a Command prompt.
> 3. Here's a transscript of my CMD session, you can follow along:
> -----------------------------------------------------
> C:\>echo %WINDIR%
> C:\>python -c "import os; print os.environ['windir']"
> C:\>set WINDIR=foo
> C:\>echo %WINDIR%
> foo
> C:\>python -c "import os; print os.environ['windir']"
> -----------------------------------------------------
> What is going on here? I wrote a program using VC5 to extract a variable
> (1) directly from environ and _environ and (2) by calling getenv(). All
> three reported "foo". (Source provided below.)
> After rummaging through the Python source, it appears that os.environ is
> provided through the posix module, which in turn gets the environment data
> from the "extern char** environ".
> Could this have something to do with Microsoft's run-time DLLs? I noticed
> that Cygwin B19 used to exhibit this behavior as well, but it seemed to go
> away in B20.1.
> Python picks up the environment correctly if I go into the Control Panel,
> System, Environment, and click OK. But I have to do this each time I log
> in to NT.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <assert.h>
> #include <string.h>
> extern char** environ;
> #define BIG 80
> int envIndex(const char** envArray, const char* key) {
> int i;
> char keyPrime[BIG];
> strcpy(keyPrime, key);
> strcat(keyPrime, "=");
> for (i = 0; envArray[i] != NULL; i++) {
> if (strstr(envArray[i], keyPrime) == envArray[i]) {
> break;
> }
> }
> return i;
> }
> // Don't screw with my return value...
> const char* myGetEnv(const char** envArray, const char* key) {
> int i;
> i = envIndex(envArray, key);
> if (envArray[i] == NULL) return NULL;
> else return (envArray[i]+strlen(key)+1);
> }
> void printenvMulti(const char* key) {
> char* s;
> s = myGetEnv(_environ, key);
> if (s == NULL) printf("%s is not in _environ\n", key);
> else printf("myGetEnv(_environ, \"%s\") --> %s\n", key, s);
> s = myGetEnv(environ, key);
> if (s == NULL) printf("%s is not in environ\n", key);
> else printf("myGetEnv(environ, \"%s\") --> %s\n", key, s);
> s = getenv(key);
> if (s == NULL) printf("%s is not available to getenv()\n", key);
> else printf("getenv(\"%s\") --> %s\n", key, s);
> }
> int main(int argc, char** argv) {
> assert(argv[1] != NULL);
> printenvMulti(argv[1]);
> return 0;
> }
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Milton L. Hankins \\ ><> Ezekiel 18:21 ><>
> Software Engineer, Raytheon Systems Company // <mlh at swl.msd.ray.com>
> http://amasts.msd.ray.com/~mlh \\ RayComNet 7-225-4728
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