Python/C API and setattr

Thomas S. Strinnhed thstr at
Wed Jun 9 09:45:07 EDT 1999


Thank you for a fast response.

Moshe Zadka wrote:
[my original message]
> You should return Py_None from a function. Every function called by
> Python has the following prototype:
> PyObject *f(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
> (Actually, this is a lie. But a small white Knuth one)
> --
> Moshe Zadka <mzadka at>.
> QOTD: My own exit is more likely to be horizontal then perpendicular.

Well I thought so too, but actually it must be something else,
cause it doesn't go away!! 

static PyObject *counter_setattr(counterobject *self, char *name,
PyObject *v)
	if(strcmp(name, "value") == 0)
		self->value = (int)PyInt_AsLong(v);
		return Py_None;	
	return Py_None; 
Just doesn't help!!

Could there be something about this line;
	self->value = (int)PyInt_AsLong(v); 
(self->value is an int and v is PyObject*)

And about the prototype:
The few examples I've found about setattr are just like I've used it:
compare my prototype
static void counter_setattr(counterobject *self, char *name, PyObject
with this one from Objects\xxobject.c
static int xx_setattr(xxobject *xp, char *name, PyObject *v)

I think my main question would be:
 Where to find detailed documentation/information about this?
and subquestion asked standing on my bare knees (?? :-)
 What's happening here?? (Here beeing my code)

Admit it's tricky??

Many Thanks
 -- Thomas S. Strinnhed, thstr at

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