Teaching python to beginners

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Sat May 29 16:01:03 EDT 1999

Deryk Barker wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with teaching Python as a *first*
> programming language.
> I'm looking into the feasbility of this and would like to discuss it
> with anyone who has experience or thoughts in the area.

Hi Deryk,

First, I'll tell something about me and my python experience.

I'm a Dutch 13-year-old-boy and I've about half a year programming
experience with Python onder Linux. It was lucky for me that I had a
father who was also going to learn python with lots of programming
experience to teach me some things.

After half a year experience, my father and I (me?) have concluded that
python is quite suitable for a beginning language. You shouldn't begin with
OOP and lambda stuff, but you shouldn't construct it too fast. Just
start woth reading tutorials, and get a book about python. I only read
"programming python" by Mark Lutz, and that's just a bit too hard for me.

But I think it will be easier for you, because of two reasons:

I've the disadvantage of being Dutch: however there are many
Dutch readers in this newsgroup, and even Guido van Rossum is Dutch, there's
no Dutch python documentation (I've also thought about setting up a Dutch
python mailinglist, any comments?).

The second reason is my age. I'm only 13, and I think you're older.

Conclusion: yes, I suggest trying python.

Gerrit Holl.

The Dutch Linuxgames website.		De Nederlandse Linuxgames pagina.
Everything about games on Linux.	Alles over spelletjes onder Linux.
Site address:				http://linuxgames.nl.linux.org
Personal homepage:			http://nl.linux.org/~gerrit/

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