Python vs. VB

Chris Tavares tavares at
Tue May 18 22:19:15 EDT 1999

Alex Rice wrote:

> Roy Stephan wrote:
> > I was wondering if people on this list could provide me with some
> > amunition against the managment onslaught that will surely ensue in
> > favour of all things Microsoft.
> Not too long ago, I read a scathing report by a former big-time VB
> advocate. Basically this guy, after having being a longtime user and
> having written several editions of "visual basic master secret" books,
> got totally fed up and decided to quit using the language and let alone
> to write another book about it again!
> Of course, I cannot find the web article now, but I suspect the author
> was Gary Entsminger (wrote Secrets of the Visual Basic for Windows
> Masters, among other titles). Don't quote me on this :-)

[... SNIP ...]

Actually, the author in question is Bruce McKinney, author of "Hardcore
Visual Basic". And the article in question would be very good ammo.

The ultimate gist of it was that: VB will very easily let you do 90% of your
application. However, it will fight you fang and claw to prevent you from
getting that last 10% done.


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