The Very High Layer and friends

Thomas S. Strinnhed thstr at
Thu May 20 02:57:15 EDT 1999


I just might do as you say and ask again, beeing more specific.
(I've downloaded the new manuals, but I still can't figure it out.)

The thing is: I'v taken the Demo/Embed example from the distribution
(demo.c) and added calls to PyRun_SimpleFile() which causes the
application to crash (using NT) and saying that memory can't be read.

Here are the few lines i added to demo.c

FILE *fp = NULL; /* First of all a FILE-pointer */ 
if(!(fp = fopen("", "r"))) /* Open file */
	printf("\nError: can't open file\n"); 
PyRun_SimpleFile(fp, "");  /* B A N G */

Here is the file i want to execute, 
print ''
I must have missed something about the FILE-pointer. I've tried
different modes to open the file in r, rt, r+, a but the same problem
occurs. I've verified that the FILE-pointer is correct by reading it
with fgets() a couple of times and that works, I get the text from the

So I *think* the questions should be:
* What kind of FILE-pointer does PyRun_SimpleFile() expect??
* If the FILE-pointer is OK, what causes the error??

	-- Thomas S. Strinnhed, thstr at

Fred L. Drake wrote:
> Thomas S. Strinnhed writes:
>  > (I have all the downloadable manuals; Embedding..., Library Reference,
>  > Tutorial, Python/C API Reference, Python Reference.)
> Thomas,
>   As Dave Kuhlman pointed out, a newer version of the manuals probably
> has enough information to answer your questions about the functions
> you're asking about.
>   If the information isn't sufficient, please don't hesitate to ask
> again, explaining what you're looking for in more detail.
>   The HTML distribution can be unpacked directly in your <Python
> installation dir>\Doc\ directory to update the installed manuals.
>   -Fred
> --
> Fred L. Drake, Jr.           <fdrake at>
> Corporation for National Research Initiatives

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