Python: performance, footprint, multi-threading, etc.

Phil Hunt philh at
Sat May 22 21:29:00 EDT 1999

In article <37458E5F.78B3A88D at> timb at "Tim Browse" writes:
> Performance
> I haven't checked the performance of Python yet - I don't know if it
> will be fast enough for our purposes.  This isn't a question about
> Python speed etc.; I'm merely stating this now to pre-empt any "You
> lamer! Python is too slow for games" responses :).

Persumably, you won't be writing all the game in Python, just some 
of it.

So I don't think there will be in practice any problems with speed --
because if there are problems, you just rewrite those bits in C++.

Phil Hunt....philh at

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