popen3 and PID - how?

Simon Budig simon at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Thu May 27 07:59:56 EDT 1999


I tried to write a small program in python, which parses the output of
another command. So I did

(foo, bar, baz) = popen3 ("/bin/foobar")

line = foo.readline()
while line != ´´:
   do something...

The problem is: Sometimes I have to send the "foobar"-Program a signal.
How can I get the PID of this process?

Or if I fork() the second process and do a system() or so, how can I get
the fd´s to handle with them in the first process? It is not possible to
change stdin, stdout and stderr so that the system()´ed process uses them...

Thanks for help,

      Simon.Budig at unix-ag.org       http://www.home.unix-ag.org/simon/
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