Tkinter question

Randall Hopper aa8vb at
Thu May 20 12:48:46 EDT 1999

Huaming Wang:
 |Hello, everybody:
 |I have a problem with Tkinter when I am working with a project. I made a
 |window showing on the screen, but I found if I enlarge the window by
 |mouse, it gets ugly, so I want to figure out how to make the base window
 |fixed, but I couldn't find anything useful in starship website and
 |Tcl/Tk manual page. Could somebody help me? Thanks a lot!

Rather than restricting the user from resizing your window, you can add
judicious, fill, and expand flags on your widgets:

       wgt.pack( fill=BOTH, expand=YES )
       wgt.pack( fill=X   , expand=YES )
       wgt.pack( fill=Y   , expand=YES )

Pretty simple.  Just make sure you pack the widgets you want to expand last.

I don't know off-hand how to turn off the resize handles with Tk/Tkinter
(just Xlib).  Check the Tkinter docs:
if you decide to go that route.


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