Newbie Q: ASCII graphics in Python

Frank T. Sronce fsronce at
Mon May 3 16:19:13 EDT 1999

Well, I've done enough small Python programs that I wanted to try coding
some simple ascii-based games in Python to see if the basic ideas are
worth expanding upon.  Since the 'basic' Python doesn't appear to
support any serious screen manipulation, I was wondering what sort of
add-on package I should look at- there certainly seem to be a bunch of

Anyway, my priorities are: ascii graphics with color support, easy
learning curve, and code I can run on both a Linux and win95/DOS

Any suggestions as to which package to look at first?


-I did look briefly at the expanded cursesmodule.c available on the net,
but I haven't been able to make it work on the stupid win95 machine. 

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