PyOpenGL on Linux: MesaGL3: undefined: XFreePixmap

David Ascher da at
Fri May 7 12:27:02 EDT 1999

On 7 May 1999, John van der Koijk wrote:

> I've managed to mysteriously evade the XFreePixmap problem by juggling
> with libraries, as suggested. However, probably due to conservation of
> misery, the following happened:
> ImportError: /usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/OpenGL/OpenGL/shared/linux2/\
> undefined symbol: gluErrorString

I wonder if gluErrorString was added in GLU 1.2, and you're linking
against a version of GLU which doesn't support it.  That would be
annoying, but wouldn't surprise me too much. 

Check with the version of Mesa or OpenGL that you're using, and let me
know, so that I can add an #ifdef in the _glumodule.c source.  [We'll also
need to make sure that the demos don't require it].

--david ascher

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