.pyo's without .pyc's?

Gordon McMillan gmcm at hypernet.com
Wed May 26 18:45:36 EDT 1999

Randall Hopper wrote:

> I'm trying to cook a minimalist Python install, and I find that
> python -O won't run without .pyc's in-place, even when there are
> pyo's.

Another job for Greg's superb imputil.py:

You're welcome to steal the code that builds a .pyz (a single file 
compressed archive of packages / modules) from my Win32 installer. 
The installer is Win32 only, but the business of building and 
importing a .pyz should be cross platform.


(By default, the archive is built of .pyc's. There's code in there to 
use .pyo's, but I'm afraid I never tested that.)

- Gordon

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