1.5.2 Build Snag

Peter A. Koren pkoren at hex.net
Sun May 9 19:53:30 EDT 1999

Robin Boerdijk wrote:
> I had a similar problem on SunOS 4.1.3. The problem was that libpython1.5.a
> had not been built correctly. It should have contained all the object files
> from the Modules directory (including main.o which defines Py_Main) but it
> didn't. As a solution, I removed libpython1.5.a from the top level
> directory and re-ran make at the top level. It then rebuilt
> libpython1.5.a from the ground up, including all object files from the
> Modules directory.

I tried, but the second build does not get as far as the first. Oh well,
I'll try to see if I can find a binary and have the sys admin install
it. BTW, Linux is much better supported than Solaris for so many things,
in spite of the FUD to the contrary.


Peter Koren

ps. I have been trying post this reply for some time and have had
trouble trying to send it.

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