while (a=b()) ... infinite sets digression

Blake Winton bwinton at tor.dhs.org
Wed May 19 22:34:39 EDT 1999

On Wed 19 May, Chad Netzer <chad at vision.arc.nasa.gov> wrote:
In comp.lang.python, you wrote:
>Greg Ewing wrote:
>> Chad Netzer wrote:
>In fact, both are probably Aleph-1 sets which means they are larger than
>the set of integers...  I'm out of my area, here, so I'll let it go at
>that. ;)

Hmmm...  I can't quite believe that, since there is an obvious mapping
from the set of all strings to the set of all integers.  (Think base n,
where n=the number of possible characters.)  I suppose this assumes a
less-than-infinite number of characters, but I can only think of about
104 different characters, so the total must be finite, right?  :)


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