Numeric:FFT inverse_real_fft doesn't trevni!

Christian Tismer tismer at
Thu May 13 17:52:40 EDT 1999

mhuster at wrote:
> The FFT module with the LLNL Numeric stuff does not seem to perform an
> inverse on the result of real_fft. (At least not in an intuitive
> manner.) An N point real_fft returns N/2 +1 complex numbers. From
> experience, not documentation, I guess that element 0 is real and the DC
> component, and element N/2 is real and the Nyquist value.
> But, trying inverse_real_fft does not seem to give the number of values
> or the values I expect. I thought that calling inverse_real_fft on the
> same array as real_fft produced would give back the original array,
> possibly scaled by N. Not so. I pasted in a sample of a session.

No, that's a misconception.
The real fft is just a speedup for cases where your data
has only real coefficients. Providing an inverse function
would be useless, since after any modifications of your
complex result, you will usually not expect a real result.
The inverse_real_fft is just a reverse FFT on real data,
likewise assuming that you are in the frequency domain
with real data. 
(sounds strange? Exactly as strange as for the time domain,
that's what causes all the Nyquist trouble :-)

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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