Evil hack of the day (on the coinage of FAST)

Jeremy Hylton jeremy at cnri.reston.va.us
Thu May 27 16:10:38 EDT 1999

>>>>> "BW" == Barry A Warsaw <bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us> writes:

  BW> [1] IIRC, coined at IPC7 in re: John Aycock's "Compiling Little
  BW> Languages in Python" implementation.

  BW> http://www.foretec.com/python/workshops/1998-11/proceedings/papers/aycock-little/aycock-little.html

Aycock's cool compiler toolkit uses doc strings to associate scanner
actions with the method that operators on them.  Lots of people had
opinions about this idea, and Jim Hugunin commented that it was
"fascinating, yet stomach turning."   That lead to the acronym FAST,
which takes the A from fascinating and doesn't bother with the yet.


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