Reporting bugs in a specific module?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Mon May 24 16:23:36 EDT 1999

(posted and mailed)

Hrvoje Niksic <hniksic at> wrote:
> What is the canonical procedure for reporting bugs in a specific
> python module?  Is there a "maintainer address" for modules?
> Specifically, I've noticed several deficiencies in the CGI module
> which I would like to report and possibly fix.  However, I don't know
> who to talk to about them.

GvR is in charge of everything in the standard distribution.
Bugs are best reported (and discussed) on the newsgroup,
patches should be sent directly to GvR (but a copy to the
newsgroup can never hurt).

before reporting bugs, see:
(you may also wish to check the newsgroup archive
to see if your bug has already been reported).

before you submit patches, see:


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