Python T-shirt, mascot

Blake Winton bwinton at
Tue May 4 20:31:43 EDT 1999

On Tue, 4 May 1999, Steven D. Majewski <sdm7g at Virginia.EDU> wrote:
>On Tue, 4 May 1999, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
>> >>>>> "BW" == Blake Winton <bwinton at> writes:
>>     BW> Combine the two!  Eric the half a tab.
>> LOL!  That does seem somehow appropriate.
>Great!  but:
>[1] Half a tab : what is that is spaces ? 

I suppose that's up to the editor.  I vote for printing the top half of
the tab.  (Since it's being printed on a shirt, what would a whole tab
look like anyways?)

>[2] Can we get this character assigned into unicode space somewhere ? 

>From what I've seen of Unicode, it's probably already in there,


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