Wrapping C++ code for python.

Daniel C. Wickstrom danw at rtp.ericsson.se
Fri May 14 11:36:23 EDT 1999

M.A.Miller <miller at uinpluxa.npl.uiuc.edu> writes:

> >>>>> "Alex" == Alex  <alex at somewhere.round.here> writes:
>     > Hi.  Could someone please point me to some examples of Gnu
>     > C++ code wrapped up for Python?  I am finding the documents
>     > rather heavy going, because they don't give any good
>     > examples.
> Are you using CXX?  It is "a set of C++ facilities to make it
> easier to write Python extensions" that might help.  It includes
> some examples - see http://xfiles.llnl.gov/CXX_Objects/cxx.htm 
> Mike

It looks interesting, but where is the link to download the code?

Dan Wickstrom
Ericsson Inc.

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