sending data to another process's input stream?

Paul Prescod paul at
Thu May 20 18:28:21 EDT 1999

Joe Strout wrote:
> > Your server could then just act as a front-end for a single
> > long-running instance of the C++ program, sending output to the
> > program's standard input.
> Hmm... but that doesn't help, does it?  Before, my question was how to
> get the short-lived CGIs talking to my long-lived C++ program.  With
> your suggestion, the question is how to get the long-lived Python
> server to talk to the long-lived C++ program.  It's the same question,
> is it not?

I think that the key was that Andrew presumed that the C++ program's only
communication interface was the stdin. Thus he had Python CGIs socketing
to Python long-lived-server piping to stdin.

 Paul Prescod  - ISOGEN Consulting Engineer speaking for only himself

"It's only a movie. People should get a life." 
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