Defining VCL-like framework for Python

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Fri May 21 23:44:31 EDT 1999

Just, trying to pry info about acquisition from David A:

> Thanks David, thats very helpful. It's sounds an awful lot like
> delegation, but smarter. How do the two concepts relate?
> (Barganing for a free CS course ;-)

You can grok it, Just.

Wrap the top object in a proxy.

Everytime you get a __getattr__, return another proxy. Build these 
into a chain. When something actually tries to use the last proxy in 
the chain, you poke around the chain looking for something tasty to 
return to the poor, unsuspecting user.

Unlike metaclasses the theory won't explode your brain.

but-wear-a-helmet-if-you-try-to-write-one-ly y'rs

- Gordon

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