Python 2.0

Yukihiro Matsumoto matz at
Sun May 30 23:03:47 EDT 1999

Vadim Chugunov <chega at> writes:

|Personally I would hate it, if Python had ever adopted a garbage
|collection without keeping a reference counting.
|As many people have noted before, you would not be able to use
|destructors to free up resources like memory or file descriptors.

I don't get it.  There's no relation between destructors and real
garbage collection.  For example, Java uses destructors called
finalizers, even though most Java VM use real GC.

I hate ref counting.  It is memory-leak prone, does not reclaim cyclic
data without explicit cycle-cut.  I know, by ref counting, object is
recycled as soon as it looses last reference to it, but relying on
that behavior is error prone, I think.


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