Module initialization problem when using COM

Robin Becker robin at
Wed May 26 05:52:34 EDT 1999

In article <7ifioj$rhi$1 at>, Mark Hammond
<MHammond at> writes
>Robin Boerdijk wrote in message
>>But you would also expect the .dll of the extension module to be unloaded
>>and reloaded so that the state of the .dll is cleared. As Christian
>>suggests, the .dll somehow doesn't  get unloaded and reloaded an I wonder
... probably good stuff :)
>IMO, the _real_ issue is that Python (and/or its modules) are not capable of
>being reinitialized without the DLL being "physically" unloaded, and it
>should be.  It is unclear to me if anything other than ILU is seriously
>upset that this happens.
>So the real question is: "yes, this happens, and for good reason.  Who is it
>a problem for and why?"
>[Other than PythonCOM itself probably - this may well cause some leaks in
>the PythonCOM module init function - which brings me back to a different
>issue - how does a module know it is being cleaned up by Python?
>Aaarrrggg... :-]
yep we discussed this before; I asked then if modules couldn't have
special named functions apart from __init__ ie __del__ etc. I tried a
couple of times to use the deletion of globals to check when a module
was being cleaned up, but it wasn't real reliable.

Robin Becker

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