backslashes in test strings
Fredrik Lundh
fredrik at
Mon May 24 17:55:29 EDT 1999
I wrote:
> > status = os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, "c:\\ntreskit\\sc", ("stop", serviceA))
> > (untested)
> There is a much niftyier way to dealk with the backslash problem. Use
> Python's "raw" strings: ie:
> status = os.spawn(os.P_WAIT, r"c:=netreskit\sc",("stop", serviceA))
> prepending an r to a string tells python that it is a "raw" string, snd
> that it shouldn't interpret the backslashes. This is VERY handy for
> things like regular expressions!
but isn't it a bit weird that "=" maps to "\" in raw strings?
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