Fnorb Problem

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Thu May 6 00:32:22 EDT 1999

Monika Göhmann wrote:
> "Max M. Stalnaker" schrieb:
> >
> > Good news.  I worked some more with Fnorb and was able to duplicate your error
> > message, although in a context where I was not expecting the software to work.
> > My success so far has been in being too lost to do it correctly.  There is a
> > fnidl., a fnidl.bat, and a fnidl.py.  I succeeded in getting HelloWorld to work
> > by using fnidl.py directly.  You are probably trying to do it the right way using
> > fnidl.bat.  I copied fnidl.py to my examples directory and executed python
> > fnidl.py HelloWorld.idl.  As to whether the right way will work, I have not
> > gotten that far.  But I note that when *I* execute fnidl.bat, it asks me for a
> > IDL.  If I do not supply one, I get your error message.  Is it asking you for an
> > IDL?
> Sorry again. The error message says: "Error: parse error on line 1 of
> HelloWorld.idl" so it definitly parses the IDL file or at least got the
> correct name passed in. I tried to use fnidl.bat and fnidl.py, both in
> both directories. Nothing seems to make any difference.
> But... look at the following, please:
> [f:\devel\fnorb-1.0\fnorb\examples\hello-world]python fnidl.py test.idl
> test.idl
> fatal error C1083: Quelle-Datei kann nicht geoeffnet werden: 'test.idl':
> No such
> file or directory
> Error: parse error on line 1 of test.idl
> I passed in the name of an IDL file which does not exist!
> It must be some really stupid mistake I am making... but what can it be
> ????
> Thanks again for your help, Monika Göhmann.

I think fnidl is choking because it can't find your C preprocessor -- on
Windoze, it defaults to looking for the Micros~1 "cl.exe", while on other boxes
it looks first for "gcc" and then for "cc" (I think).  Check fnorb/script/cpp.py
to see how it decides what to try, and tweak there.

Tres Seaver         tseaver at palladion.com    713-523-6582
Palladion Software  http://www.palladion.com

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