Tkinter and BLT on WinNT - any joy?

krodgers at krodgers at
Wed May 12 17:04:00 EDT 1999

On a WinNT 4.0p4 system, with Python 1.5.2, Tcl/Tk 8.0.5, and BLT 2.4h
installed, I cannot get Tkinter to load BLT.  Here's what I get in IDLE:

Python 1.5.2 (#0, Apr 13 1999, 10:51:12) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> from Tkinter import *
>>> Tk()'package', 'require', 'BLT')
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "", line 1, in ?
    Tk()'package', 'require', 'BLT')
TclError: couldn't load file "BLT24.dll": invalid argument

I get the same result when not in IDLE, so it's not an IDLE problem.
Using WISH, I get:

% package require BLT

Anybody seen this problem?  Thanks in advance . . .
Kevin Rodgers  Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical  krodgers at
or kmrodgers at
"Snakes.  Why did it have to be snakes?"  -- Indiana Jones

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