Raising Python exception

Gaetan Corneau Gaetan_Corneau at baan.com
Mon May 10 11:06:37 EDT 1999

I think my original message didn't reach the list, so here it is again:

I'm using SWIG to wrap C++ STL vector and I want to be able to write the
following in my Python scripts:

sv = StringVector() # vector<string>
for s in sv: print s

So, I wrote the following in my SWIG interface file:

struct StringVector{
    %addmethods {
        char* __getitem__(int i) {
            if (i < self->size()) {
                return (char *)((*self)[i].c_str());
            } else {
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "index out-of-bounds"); 
                return NULL;                

The problem is that no exception is ever raised when sv[i] is out of bounds.
What's missing?

   Gaetan Corneau
   Software Developer (System integration Team)
   BaaN  Supply Chain Solutions  
   E-mail: Gaetan_Corneau at baan.com        
   Compuserve: Gaetan_Corneau at compuserve.com  
   ICQ Number: 7395494             
   Tel: (418) 654-1454 ext. 252          
"Profanity is the one language all programmers know best"

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