Running a file, with a relative filename

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Sat May 15 11:30:21 EDT 1999

Nathan Clegg <nathan at> wrote:
> > sys.path.insert(0, "../yyy")
> > import prog2
> I don't believe this will work unless you happen to be in the same
> directory as the toplevel script.

well, the question was if there was a way
to say:

    import "../yyy/"'

which is exactly what my snippet does.  reading
Phil's post again, he might have meant "relative to
this module's location", in which case he could
add os.path.join(__file__, "../yyy") to the path

note that __file__ is only set for imported modules,
not for scripts.  for scripts, you have to use some-
thing like os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])...

> A more bulletproof method would append
> 'yyy' in some way to the current sys.path[0]
> entry.

you mean sys.argv[0], don't you?  sys.path[0] tends
to be blank most of the time, at least on my boxes.


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