Finding nested expressions in regexs

Stuart I Reynolds S.I.Reynolds at
Fri May 14 10:57:09 EDT 1999

Hi all,

I need to extract nested expressions contained within paired symbols e.g
"{ .. }" or "( .. )"

    input                  => matched
123{abc}4567               => {abc}
123{abc}456}7              => {abc}
hij{123{abc}4568}def       => {123{abc}4568}
hij{123{a\{bc}45\}68}def   => {123{a\{bc}45\}68}

-  "\{" and "\}" should be completely ignored
-  Expressions may be nested as above but also repeating:

ab{cd{ef}gh}ijkl{mn{o}}qrstu  => {cd{ef}gh}, {mn{o}}

Is there an easy way to do this with regular expressions? The last point
makes it difficult to use a straight-forward non-greedy match which
would find:
in the last example.



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