Python 2.0

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at
Thu May 27 23:11:12 EDT 1999

>>>>> "GM" == Gordon McMillan <gmcm at> writes:

    GM> And you'd only have to get it working with N different JVMs,
    GM> all without anything resembling autoconf.

    GM> #ifdef-considered-dangerous-<snort>-ly y'rs

You ain't kiddin' Gordon!  One of my recent JPython slaps has been
trying to use JDK 1.2 APIs to provide better functionality.  Well,
y'can't because most JPython users want 1.1 compatibility (for good
reasons) and there's no way[1] to have a single Java codebase that
supports the new APIs and is still compilable under Java 1.1.

they-got-so-much-right-why'd-they-get-this-one-wrong?-ly y'rs,

[1] that I know of, without growing our own Java preprocessor

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