Python vs. VB

Alex Rice alrice at
Mon May 17 23:45:00 EDT 1999

Roy Stephan wrote:

> I was wondering if people on this list could provide me with some
> amunition against the managment onslaught that will surely ensue in
> favour of all things Microsoft.

Not too long ago, I read a scathing report by a former big-time VB
advocate. Basically this guy, after having being a longtime user and
having written several editions of "visual basic master secret" books,
got totally fed up and decided to quit using the language and let alone
to write another book about it again!

Of course, I cannot find the web article now, but I suspect the author
was Gary Entsminger (wrote Secrets of the Visual Basic for Windows
Masters, among other titles). Don't quote me on this :-)

I also suspect I might have arrived at the article surfing from

Sorry...maybe you will be able to find the article... would make _great_
ammo to cut through all the BS that has been spread around your place of
work from the sounds of it.

Playing up the open-source aspect of Python might be valuable too? 

Good luck,

Alex Rice

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