Newbie asks about static variables...

Martijn Faassen faassen at
Mon May 10 16:15:21 EDT 1999

Tim Peters wrote:
> [William Tanksley, discovers that _eggs can be imported explicitly from
>  module spam, as in spam._eggs, while "from spam import *" doesn't leave
>  _eggs on anyone's face]

I think that was me; at least, in response to Willam Tanksley.
> > ...
> > This seems to me rather inconsistent behavior; is there a reason why
> > this is so?

*this* was me. :)
> [Moshe Zadka]
> > Python was not designed (I think) for thieves and murderers, unlike C++.
> That's right.  Python was designed for *nice* people! 

I'm nice, I'm nice! No, really!

> Back when the easily-circumvented "__" convention for mangling class-pvt
> names was invented, Guido was provoked into revealing the true model for
> Python's data-hiding philosophy:
> [GvR, circa 1996]
> > It's called "advisory locking."  It was pioneered for bike locks in
> > Amsterdam :-)

That's funny. :) Luckily enough Pythoneers are all nice and don't *want*
to steal and murder other people's modules! Unlike some people in
Amsterdam who steal and murder bicycles...



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