Doing it with Python, Windows SEND-TO and *.cpl-files

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Sun Nov 7 00:23:58 EST 1999

Florian W. wrote in message <8024lh$2mnb$1 at>...
>When I push a script-into the Send-To-Folder,
>what must be done, to get the filename which was selected with it ?

Should be in sys.argv[1]

>Is it possible to create a *.cpl-file ?
Not at things currently stand.  However, a .cpl file is just a .dll with
some special entry points, so it would not be hard to make a Python
interface to this.

>What is the easiest way to manage dialogs ? (With dialog-boxes and all

There are lots of GUI toolkits available.  If you have a .rc file, the best
solution for them is probably Pythonwin (however, if you want dynamic
dialogs defined inside your code, Pythonwin is not the simplest)


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