What are Aspects? (Re: How can I make my assertions smarter?)

Aahz Maruch aahz at netcom.com
Thu Nov 11 16:44:44 EST 1999

In article <WIDW3.331$Ae3.219038 at news-dal.corridex.com>,
Evan Simpson <evan at tokenexchange.com> wrote:
><disclaimer>All I know about Aspects I learning in a half-hour of

Okay, but I'm still going to ask questions.

>I think that this depends on the language in which you write your Aspects (I
>don't mean C/Python/etc, I mean the special Aspect-specification language).
>In the examples I looked at, pattern-matching on the class, method, and
>method arguments determined where each part of an Aspect would be applied.

So it's essentially a kind of pre-processor?

(I'm reasonably bright in my own way, but I seem to only be able to
learn new concepts by relating them to ones I already know -- I can't
just accept something on its own merits.)
                      --- Aahz (@netcom.com)

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