commas vs. spaces. vs. the legions of new lines

François Pinard pinard at
Mon Nov 1 10:46:17 EST 1999

"G. Lewis" <lemiss at> writes:

> has an exellent reputation for being extremely friendly and
> helpful---i'm astonished at the general endless patience I've seen
> exhibited here, even for the most inane and pathetic newbie FAQs.
> Lets keep it!

By all means, I agree.  I moved to Python from Perl mainly _because_ of the
difference in people attitudes, and only learned to really appreciate the
language after the fact.  My only fear is that Python will grow popular
enough so the sad history of repeats here, so I hope that Python
will spread slowly enough so the spirit gets preserved! :-)

> So the unix old-timers <wink> know a billion and one ways to convert Dos
> to Unix text files.  Why discourage someone from making a pure python
> implementation... and a decent attempt at it as well, with subdirectories
> and attempts at some sort of "smart" file type guessing.  Not a tool I'd
> use, myself, but surely it has value.  Or even if it didn't, still surely
> it does not deserve denegration.  Not one person complimented his code.

I was one of those who replied to this thread, and feel concerned by your
remarks.  Yes, I should have acknowledged the effort, at least because I
understand what it means, and am sorry for not having done so.  On the other
hand, to compliment some code, one has to take a look at it, and not being
Internet-connected usually (I use UUCP), it requires a special effort on me
which I often try to spare.  If someone saw denegration in what I said, then
I was surely misinterpreted -- as I did not have such feelings, really not.

François Pinard

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