'==' vs. 'is' behavior

Andy Fox foxes at theriver.com
Fri Nov 12 10:04:10 EST 1999


I thought I understood the difference between the '==' and 'is'
operators, but just found an exception to the rule.  Couldn't find an
explanation in the FAQs.

I understand the following:
>>> a = (1, 2)
>>> b = (1, 2)
>>> a == b #are they equivalent?  yes.
>>> a is b #are they the same object? no.

Why doesn't it work for a certain integers:
>>> a = 2
>>> b = 2
>>> a == b #are they equivalent?  yes.
>>> a is b #are they the same object? yes.  Why?

Further experimentation shows that this seems to work for integers
through 99, but that starting with 100 the results of the 'is' test
return 0, as I would expect.

sys.version yields
"Python 1.5.2 (#0, Apr 13 1999, 10:51:12) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32"

Andy Fox

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