cStringIO versus StringIO: "readlines"

greg andruk meowing at banet.net
Tue Nov 2 14:45:04 EST 1999

On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, Brian Kelley wrote:

> I noticed that StringIO has a "readlines" member function and cStringIO
> doesn't.  Is anyone planning on adding this in the near future?  I was
> wondering if I should go ahead and do it or if there is against.

You're welcome to try (or borrow parts of) the thingy module at
<URL:http://members.xoom.com/meowing/python/> .  It's got the methods
cStringIO is missing, lets you modify objects created from strings, and
has list methods so you can insert and delete in the middle [though
figuring out what tell() means after that is your problem =)].  Yes, I
actually had a need for such a mongrel, and it's been chugging away with
no trouble (or none that I've noticed anyway!) for a few weeks here.

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