ANN: MkWrap 0.9 embedded database
Jean-Claude Wippler
jcw at
Fri Nov 5 06:45:17 EST 1999
This is an announcement of a new release of MkWrap for Python at:
Ready-to-run downloads for Solaris, Linux, Windows, and Mac are at:
To give you an impression of what MkWrap does, here's a Python script:
import MkWrap
db = MkWrap.Storage('phonebook.dat',1)
vw = db.view("persons")
vw = vw.Select(name='John').Sort(
for i in vw:
print "Found:",,,
MetaKit packs a lot of power in a little package. Some facts:
- Failsafe: transacted commit, for data and structure changes
- Efficient: compact auto-sizing storage, high scanning speeds
- Flexible: select/sort on any field, relational / set operators
- Adaptive: restructure on-the-fly, use with C++, Python, and Tcl
- Portable: the same file can be used on Unix, Windows, and Mac
- Embeddable: can link statically for stand-alone executables
- Tiny: on Windows, the no-install Python extension DLL is 170 Kb
MetaKit is free for non-commercial use, there's a royalty-free source
license for commercial use. The non-nonsense details are described at:
Changes since 0.4 - MkWrap 0.9 is based on MetaKit 1.9d, and adds:
* stability, this version has taken quite a beating
* a file interface, read/write/pickle to/from memo fields
* a wrapper around any sequence, so you can join/groupby anything
* completely reorganized core-, platform-, and language-distributions
* smaller, faster, some documentation, and some sample scripts
-- Jean-Claude
Jean-Claude Wippler MetaKit home page -
Equi4 Software "Portable database software for a changing world"
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